
Where Hope is Found - Rebecca L Marsh

February 05, 2021

Of Magpies and Men - Ode Ray

This new entry is very exciting as this is the first A Quintillion Reads blog tour. Thank you @aquintillionreads and Ode Ray for the opportunity of reading this book.

"Benedict could not recall ever receiving a text message from his seventy-something mother before."


Two corpses wash ashore in a picturesque Italian village, the violence that put them there is bound to a long-held secret and two strangers living worlds apart with seemingly nothing in common.  
Benedict Grant a wealthy Londoner, leading a lonely life.  
Marie Boulanger a nurse and single mum, struggling to make ends meet in Marseille. 

My Opinion

I wondered how all of these stories could make sense all together, how the book cover pieces would make sense, once I started reading I was not able to stop until the end.

We find three different and, at first glance, not related stories in different scenarios, however, Ode will make the stories link together in an amazing way.

Starting with two dead bodies and an investigation in course by Detective Giandomenico Paoli, moving seven years back to know the life of Benedict 30 years old and rich in London and Marie with her seven old son in Marseille. Alternating chapters between them.

I loved the way the chapters are not long and you can learn about the characters and their lives, as I said, it might be weird at the beginning not knowing how the stories will be connected but you will be surprised. 

Drama, family problems, secrets, love, mystery, all in one book, in one story that interconnect different characters in different locations 


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